• Projects

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Project Details:

New industrial units, offices and concrete yards, Leicester


 The construction of commercial units in Blaby was phased over a two-year period with a single warehouse initially and then the construction of another larger warehouse and a standalone office building afterwards including concrete yards, concrete floor slabs, tarmac parking and roadways, drainage and top soiling. All waste spoil was kept on site which presented its own challenges such as keeping the estate road clean and tidy and also providing additional plant to level the waste spoil into the tip and bunds as it was produced. 
To suit the clients programme, we had multiple teams working on this project on both the office and the warehouse to ensure that both were completed in time. The pouring of the large warehouse floor was completed after the concrete yards to accommodate design changes without any detriment to the concrete yards by protecting them and coordinating deliveries concrete wagon washouts so as not to run onto the yards. The end result was pristine concrete yards that were able to progress ahead of the delayed floor construction assisting with meeting the clients programme.